Handbags, like other garments, are subject to changes in trends and style, so we should always be aware of the industry's bets.
Autor: Alejandro Guevara
Is it worth investing in a quality backpack?
A backpack can be our best ally on days when we spend many hours on our feet and have to carry numerous objects.
How to choose your perfect bag?
Choosing a handbag can be an odyssey because you want to make a good investment. For this reason, certain factors must be taken into account
Handbags, the new men's accessory
More and more brands are betting on the handbag as the ideal unisex accessory for men, both shoulder bags and large or handbags.
Handbags: For or against the use of fur?
Cada vez son más las grandes firmas de moda que apuestan por soluciones ecológicas que sustituyan a la piel de origen animal en la fabricación de bolsos
¿Por qué el nylon es de los mejores tejidos para los bolsos?
La resistencia, durabilidad e impermeabilidad son algunas de las características que han provocado que el uso de este material crezca